My Vision For Tomorrow
Education is critical to economic mobility and future success. Every child in the district deserves the opportunity to receive a quality education regardless of age, race, gender or socio-economic background. Education and future career growth go hand in hand and must be respected and preserved.
Increase district funding for low income and underserve community schools, i.e. vocational training, enrichment courses, and after school programs
Public school teachers should be respected and their economic futures safeguarded for retirement and tenure
Control of the in class instruction should be given back to classroom teachers and not dictated by public officials; teachers know best what works in the classrooms
The proliferation of charter schools should be examine closely to understand the overall impact on public schools and surrounding communities
FOIA standards should be established for all public schools that received government funding
The District of Columbia cannot achieve its full potential nor ensure transparency in decision making until the government and its elected officials are reflective and responsible to the needs of the citizens. Everyone must be included in the process!
Define and make visible online all long-term district wide goals and projects that are currently being considered for funding (open forums, social media, updated websites, etc.)
Hold quarterly town hall style meetings with residents to gain their input/feedback and to provide updates on all legislation
Partner with ANCs to standardize processes, community communication, and set up formal technology platforms for residents to access vital information
Ensure all government interactions are ethical, people centric and transparent
Public safety is a major concern and sore spot for many district residents, especially as it relates to crime east of the river and in lower income, underserved communities. Historically, east of the river residents have been disenfranchised and have felt that their concerns related to safety and crime have fallen upon deaf ears and largely overlooked. To combat this problem area, a holistic approach to public safety has to be adopted and should include residents input by:
Improve the lack of trust between law enforcement and underserved communities by having open honest dialogue that is actionable
Implementing and fully funding the NEAR Act
Invest in education, affordable housing, and healthcare to ensure all residents have a solid foundation and proper tools to function as a member of the community
Implement the VisionZero plan equitably across Ward 7
Provide support for returning citizens (housing, transportation, counseling, etc.) to ensure recidivism rates decline
Access to healthy, affordable, and safe housing is a social justice issue in the district. Many families throughout Ward 7 face housing cost burdens such as high rents, displacement associated with gentrification, and discrimination in housing. To address these disparities in housing we must introduce sweeping housing reforms by supporting the following actions:
Establish rent control policies to protect low-mid income residents, i.e. seniors, veterans, etc.
Establish a homeowner fund for returning veterans, first responders and service professional to promote homeowners, e.g. teachers, medical professionals
Ensure all residents have appropriate information and feedback into redevelopments before they are fully approved
Ensure there is equitable funding in the housing production trust fund and increase % of affordable units in LIHTC developments
Pass legislation to regulate bank owned blighted properties in at risk communities, i.e. REO properties, foreclosures
Save public domains to ensure access for community residents, i.e. parks, recreation centers, libraries, etc.
Economic equity across the district has been very stagnant or in decline in communities east of the river for the past 10-15 years. Residents have experienced a decline in take home wages, declines in home values and lack of economic investment as compared to other communities across the district. Consequently, families have had to relocate out of district and tighten their belts to make ends meet. By incorporating common sense policy and advocacy there is a chance to reverse this downward trend.
Implement a citywide “living wage” and revisit decision on Initiative 77
Partner with city employers to offer universal paid family leave for all employees
Increase overall youth participation in summer employment and in school vocational training
Partner with the DC Chamber of Commerce and other organizations to develop programs and funding streams to support the investment in minority own businesses
Increase partnerships and communication between workforce development organizations and educational institutions
Institute policies to combat the negative impacts of gentrification and displacement in high risk communities
Families East of the River currently do not have an integrated healthcare system or access to urgent care facilities. This health inequity stems from social and historical disenfranchisement of low income, racial and ethic minorities and members of the LGBTQ+ communities. In order to adequately address this health inequity common sensible policies must be adopted that address “health” in all sectors developing a comprehensive health care strategy that includes the following elements:
Healthcare should be community based: I propose building local community based care facilities that focus on total wellness and disease prevention rather than reactive treatment
Invested in community programs that tackle wellness, i.e. exercise and nutrition programs, mental health counseling, etc.
Investments in transportation, access to healthy food options (e.g. food deserts) and environmental issues will be holistically address as a detriment of health and wellness