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Screenshot 2024-01-07 at 14-15-12 Meet Kelvin Commissioner Kelvin Brown Smd 7b06 - Washing
Kelvin Brown is ready to work for you.




Kelvin grew up in a poor working-class family with his mother and seven brothers. He learned early on that education was his pathway up-and-out of poverty. Kelvin earned a presidential scholarship to Alabama State University where he became a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Today, Kelvin possesses a bachelor's degree in criminal law and a master’s degree in business administration (MBA), becoming the first person in his family to graduate from college. Kelvin has also earned Professional Certificates

from Rutgers University and the University of California--Berkeley.

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Kelvin has spent most of his adult life protecting our country from dangers overseas. He served nearly 10 years in the United States Army and was promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Kelvin has been deployed on three tours of duty during Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Enduring Freedom, and the Global War on Terrorism Campaign. Now Kelvin wants to Direct that same energy to keep our neighbors safe, right here in Ward 7. For his dedication and service to our country and our communities, Kelvin has been awarded over ten medals and ribbons, including the prestigious US Army Reserve Component Achievement Medal, National Defense Service Medal and the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal.




For his dedication and service to our country and our communities, Kelvin has been awarded over ten medals and ribbons, including the prestigious US Army Reserve Component Achievement Medal, National Defense Service Medal and the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal.

 F O R   H I S   S E R V I C E


D E C O R A T E D  

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Army Reserve Component Achievement Medal 

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National Defense Service Medal

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Global War on Terrorism Service Medal



After the military, Kelvin spent one year as a police officer and quickly realized the real frontline was in our classrooms. He turned-in his badge, passed the praxis exam and enlisted to become a high school teacher. Kelvin taught math--algebra and geometry-earning special recognition as a highly effective teacher two years in a row. He has also served as Vice President of the board of directors for EmpowerED, a non-profit organization that supports equity in education for all DC students. As your Ward 7 Council member, Kelvin will fight to fully fund every Ward 7 school, stand-up to save our after school and pre-k programs and advocate for a service-learning approach to our curriculum with an increased focus on STEAM.




Currently, Kelvin manages a multi-million-dollar affordable housing portfolio for Fannie Mae, working to alleviate the cost of housing as a burden for working families and people of color in urban communities throughout the US. In February 2023, Kelvin was appointed to the National League of Cities—serving a one year term with elected officials across the country to develop resources, programs and policies that support an equitable affordable housing framework as a member of NLC’s REAL Council. On the DC Council, Kelvin will advocate for housing policies that meet people at their places of need.



First elected Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner in 2020 at the on-set of COVID-19, Kelvin hit the ground running organizing Ward 7’s first vaccine and testing site at Pennsylvania Avenue Baptist Church, rent and utility clinics that made payments to save housing for over 100 Ward 7 residents, and petitioned the chancellor to provide DCPS students with at-home technology and testing kits during the early days of then- virtual instruction. Kelvin also hosted eight College Fairs for Ward 7 high school students where many received scholarships and on-spot acceptance. Now in his second term, Kelvin represents Single-Member District 7B06, which encompasses the Hillcrest and Fairfax Village communities.





In January 2023, Kelvin was unanimously elected to serve as Chairman of Advisory Neighborhood Commission 7B and helped strengthen operations to better address community concerns—making a commission retreat his first act toward this goal. Kelvin has brought the chief of police and agency directors before the community to provide direct responses to longstanding problems, and created ANC 7B’s Annual Budget Forum listening to issues that are important to you and taking back to the Mayor and Council your ideas to fix them. He also called for resource officers to remain in our schools and led efforts to improve Pedestrian Safety and remove abandoned vehicles from our neighborhoods, which helps identify cars that may have been stolen.




Kelvin lives in the heart of the Hillcrest community at the corner of Austin and Bangor streets and attends East Washington Heights Baptist Church, where he's led initiatives like the annual turkey give-away and coat drive for DCPS students, operation feed the homeless and Save Our Youth Day. He is a member of the Hillcrest Civic Association, serves on the board of directors for the Marshall Heights Community Development Organization, and treasurer of DC Veterans United for Statehood. Kelvin will make sure our community is always involved in the decision-making process and our ideas and opinions are always valued. He’s running for Ward 7 Council member because you deserve a true partner that will keep our communities first, place service above self-interest, and improved the quality of life for all Ward 7 neighbors.


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